The Trabalho, Educação e Saúde - TES (Work, Education and Health) is an open access scientific journal, edited by the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health, from Oswaldo Cruz Foundation.

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University extension and the social inclusion of public high school students

Lins, L;
Oliveira, M M V d;
Cattony, A C E;
, C R B;
et al.

The identities of nurses in scenarios of changes in the curriculum of nursing education

Renovato, R D;
Bagnato, M H S;
Missio, L;
Bassinello, G. A. H.

Remote work, teaching health and virtual strike in a pandemic scenario

Souza, K R d;
Santos, G B d;
Rodrigues, A M d S;
Felix, E G;
et al.

Biosecurity practices in technical nursing education

Ribeiro, G;
Pires, D E P d;
Scherer, M. D. d. A.

Training for the UHS: an analysis of the pedagogical conceptions and practices in public health

Damiance, P R M;
Tonete, V L P;
Daibem, A M L;
Ferreira, M d L d S M;
et al.

Professional training and integration with the basic health network

Vieira, L M;
Sgavioli, C d A P e P;
Simionato, E M R S;
Inoue, E S Y;
et al.

Interdisciplinarity and training in the collective health area

Velloso, M P;
Guimarães, M B L;
Cruz, C R R;
Neves, T. C. C.

The importance of PET-Health for nurse education

Morais, F R R;
Jales, G M L;
Silva, M J C d;
Fernandes, S. F.

Surveillance in occupational health: steps toward a pedagogy

Vasconcellos, L C F d;
Almeida, C V B d;
Guedes, D. T.

The role of work and education on the health worker's professional project

Manoel, R A;
Combinato, D S;
Gomes, F M d A;
Silva, K. F. d.

How undergraduate nursing students experience competitiveness

Martins, N M;
Cardoso, D S d A;
Costa, L M C;
Santos, R M d;
et al.

Exploitation and mental suffering among teachers: a study in the state school system in the state of Paraná, Brazil

Albuquerque, G S C d;
Lira, L N A;
Santos Junior, I d;
Chiochetta, R L;
et al.

Prevalence of depression and anxiety symptoms in workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Guilland, R;
Klokner, S G M;
Knapik, J;
Crocce-Carlotto, P A;
et al.

Contributions of domiciliary visits to training in physiotherapy

Medeiros, P A d;
Pivetta, H M F;
Mayer, M. d. S.

Evolution, distribution and expansion of medicine courses in Brazil (1808-2018)

Oliveira, B L C A d;
Lima, S F;
Pereira, M U L;
Júnior, G. A. P.

The process of building the curriculum in the professional master's degree in family health

Machado, M d F A S;
Vieira, N F C;
Hortale, V A;
Vieira-Meyer, A P G F;
et al.

Ethnozoology and environmental education for schools in the Amazon: experimentation of quantitative indicators

Bastos, P C R R;
Palha, M d D C;
Fonseca (in memorian), M d J d C F;
Silva, A. d. S. L.

Policies for training in physical education and public health

Fraga, A B;
Carvalho, Y M d;
Gomes, I. M.

Endemic combat agents: construction of professional identities in the control of dengue

Evangelista, J G;
Flisch, T M P;
Valente, P A;
Pimenta, D. N.