The Trabalho, Educação e Saúde - TES (Work, Education and Health) is an open access scientific journal, edited by the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health, from Oswaldo Cruz Foundation.

Search Parameters

Male discourses on the prevention and promotion of men's health

Trilico, M L C;
Oliveira, G R d;
Kijimura, M Y;
Pirolo, S. M.

Innovative proposals in vocational training for the Unified Health System

Hora, D L d;
Erthal, R M d C;
Souza, C T V d;
Hora, E. L. d.

Interdisciplinarity and training in the collective health area

Velloso, M P;
Guimarães, M B L;
Cruz, C R R;
Neves, T. C. C.

Qualification of community health agents: an instrument for social inclusion

Melo, M B d;
Brant, L C;
Oliveira, L A d;
Santos, A. P. d. S.

Is comprehensive primary health care part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America?

Giovanella, L;
Vega, R;
Tejerina-Silva, H;
Acosta-Ramirez, N;
et al.

Views on the adoption of and advice on healthy lifestyles by health professionals

Figueira, T R;
Davis, N A;
Morais, M N;
Lopes, A. C. S.