The Trabalho, Educação e Saúde - TES (Work, Education and Health) is an open access scientific journal, edited by the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health, from Oswaldo Cruz Foundation.

Search Parameters

University extension and the social inclusion of public high school students

Lins, L;
Oliveira, M M V d;
Cattony, A C E;
, C R B;
et al.

Remote work, teaching health and virtual strike in a pandemic scenario

Souza, K R d;
Santos, G B d;
Rodrigues, A M d S;
Felix, E G;
et al.

Ethnozoology and environmental education for schools in the Amazon: experimentation of quantitative indicators

Bastos, P C R R;
Palha, M d D C;
Fonseca (in memorian), M d J d C F;
Silva, A. d. S. L.

Endemic combat agents: construction of professional identities in the control of dengue

Evangelista, J G;
Flisch, T M P;
Valente, P A;
Pimenta, D. N.

Evolution, distribution and expansion of medicine courses in Brazil (1808-2018)

Oliveira, B L C A d;
Lima, S F;
Pereira, M U L;
Júnior, G. A. P.

Interdisciplinarity and training in the collective health area

Velloso, M P;
Guimarães, M B L;
Cruz, C R R;
Neves, T. C. C.

Biosecurity practices in technical nursing education

Ribeiro, G;
Pires, D E P d;
Scherer, M. D. d. A.

National curriculum parameters: revisiting health and environment cross-cutting issues

Bomfim, A M d;
Anjos, M B d;
Floriano, M D;
Figueiredo, C S M;
et al.

Exploitation and mental suffering among teachers: a study in the state school system in the state of Paraná, Brazil

Albuquerque, G S C d;
Lira, L N A;
Santos Junior, I d;
Chiochetta, R L;
et al.