The Trabalho, Educação e Saúde - TES (Work, Education and Health) is an open access scientific journal, edited by the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health, from Oswaldo Cruz Foundation.

Search Parameters

Male discourses on the prevention and promotion of men's health

Trilico, M L C;
Oliveira, G R d;
Kijimura, M Y;
Pirolo, S. M.

COVID-19: why the protection of health workers is a priority in the fight against the pandemic?

Helioterio, M C;
Lopes, F Q R d S;
Sousa, C C d;
Souza, F d O;
et al.

Humanizing care for hospitalized children: designing the nursing team

Gomes, I L V;
Câmara, N A C;
Lélis, G M D;
Grangeiro, G F C;
et al.

Chronically ill children and adolescents and schooling during hospitalization

Ferreira, M K M;
Gomes, I L V;
Figueiredo, S V;
Queiroz, M V O;
et al.

Care for people deprived of freedom with tuberculosis and permanent education in health

Fabrini , V C N;
Carvalho , B G;
Mendonça , F d F;
Guariente, M. H. D.

Anxiety, negative affect, and stress of faculty in remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic

Troitinho, M d C R;
Silva, I B d;
Sousa, M M;
Santos, A D d S;
et al.

Characteristics of mental health care in a CAPS from the perspective of the professionals

Mielke, F B;
Kantorski, L P;
Olschowsky, A;
Jardim, V. M. d. R.

Communication of bad news in the medical work: a look at the patient with poor prognosis

Melo, C d F;
Magalhães , M R d A L;
Meneses, L M S d;
Alves , R S F;
et al.

Ethnozoology and environmental education for schools in the Amazon: experimentation of quantitative indicators

Bastos, P C R R;
Palha, M d D C;
Fonseca (in memorian), M d J d C F;
Silva, A. d. S. L.

Humanization experiences for students of medicine

Garcia, M A A;
Ferreira, F P;
Ferronato, F. A.

Safety of health professionals who worked in the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil

Pavão, A L B;
Martins, M S;
Gouvêa, C S D d;
Noronha, M F;
et al.