The Trabalho, Educação e Saúde - TES (Work, Education and Health) is an open access scientific journal, edited by the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health, from Oswaldo Cruz Foundation.

Search Parameters

Poor self-assessment of the health of primary health care nursing workers

Lua, I;
Almeida, M M G d;
Araújo, T M d;
Soares, J F d S;
et al.

Mental health care network from the view of health service coordinators

Paes, L G;
Schimith, M D;
Barbosa, T M;
Righi, L. B.

Characteristics of mental health care in a CAPS from the perspective of the professionals

Mielke, F B;
Kantorski, L P;
Olschowsky, A;
Jardim, V. M. d. R.

Interdisciplinarity and training in the collective health area

Velloso, M P;
Guimarães, M B L;
Cruz, C R R;
Neves, T. C. C.

COVID-19: why the protection of health workers is a priority in the fight against the pandemic?

Helioterio, M C;
Lopes, F Q R d S;
Sousa, C C d;
Souza, F d O;
et al.