The Trabalho, Educação e Saúde - TES (Work, Education and Health) is an open access scientific journal, edited by the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health, from Oswaldo Cruz Foundation.

Search Parameters

Approaches of work in the public health sector: a narrative review of literature

Teixeira, M;
Martins, M I C;
Lamarca, I C S A;
Oliveira, S.

Over-exploitation and early deterioration of the workforce: the health of clothing workers

Lira, P V R d A;
Gurgel, I G D;
Albuquerque, P C C d;
Amaral, A. S. d.

Work conditions and renormalization of nursing activities in family health

Bertoncini, J H;
Pires, D E P d;
Scherer, M. D. d. A.

Education through work for the training of a physician

Albuquerque, G S C d;
Torres, A Á R;
Nascimento, B d;
Martin, B M;
et al.